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Have you ever heard someone say, "God's ways are higher than our ways, so we will never understand"? 


It is true that God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours. However, when God said this in Isaiah, He had no intention of it staying this way. The entire Bible is about God helping us align our ways with His ways. How can we do that if His ways are too high to understand? The truth is we can understand. 

Although we can't understand all His ways, God wants us to seek Him and He wants us to understand. 

He has even given us His Word and Spirit to help.


When we seek God with all our heart, we will discover not just the acts of God but the ways of God. We will not just know bible stories but have a real personal relationship with our Creator. Having true knowledge of His ways makes you think, act, and speak differently. Knowing His ways is like having a superpower! It's available to everyone who believes. When you sincerely make an effort to find out God's ways, you will discover God is hidden in plain sight. He is very easy to find when you spend time looking!


Knowing God's ways is more than bible stories. More than knowing facts. More than memorizing. It is living life as if God is right next to you, holding your hand, speaking to you, telling you what choices to make, and reminding you that you are His child...because He is. He is doing all of these things and much more. 

God is the Creator

The very first verse in the Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). Around six thousand years ago, God created all natural things. He created the stars, sun, planets, water, animals, plants, people, and more. But He didn't use His hands to shape the animals or use a hammer to carve the mountains. He created all things by speaking words. He said, "Let there be light"; and there was light (Genesis 1:3 NKJV).

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God's Power and Wisdom

God's Power and Wisdom

There is nothing that is more powerful than God. When we look at what God has created we can see how powerful He is. The Bible says, “The Lord made the earth by his power. He used his wisdom to build the world and his understanding to stretch out the skies” (Jer. 51:15 NCV). God's creation reveals some of His power, wisdom and understanding.


The universe is everything that God created under heaven. This includes the earth, stars, other planets, moons, and everything in between. A galaxy is a huge group of stars, dust, and gas. There are billions of galaxies in the universe. The Milky Way is the name of the galaxy that Earth is in. There are hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone. But when we look up at the sky at night, we can only see a few thousand of those stars.


Here is an example of God's wisdom and power in creation.


Let’s estimate that there are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way. That is so many stars that if you counted each star, one second at a time, it would take you about 3,171 years to count them all! That is just the stars in one galaxy. There are billions more galaxies in the universe.


What about all the stars in all the galaxies? Let’s say some scientists are correct and there are about 100 billion galaxies with each having about 100 billion stars. It would take you over 317 trillion (317,000,000,000,000) years to count all the stars in the universe. There are 12 zeros in that number! That’s not the number of stars, that’s years to count them!


Maybe you think that 317 trillion years would take too long. So, let’s ask seven billion people to help us count. With each person counting their part of stars, it would still take one person about 45,300 years to count their portion! Only God knows the exact number of stars and has a name for each one. God's wisdom and power is far more than we could ever imagine.


A portion of this message comes from the book called Hidden Treasure Quest: Knowing God Through Creation.



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