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For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20 NKJV

Science and the Bible
Science and the Bible

One of the most debated topics of all time is how science compares to the Bible. Some say the earth is millions of years old, the universe started over 14 billion years ago, and we've evolved from apes. Others say the earth is only about 6,000 years old and every natural thing we see was created by God. And then others seem to be somewhere in between. Who is right? How will we ever know?


The first question you need to answer is this: Do you believe the entire Bible is the Word of God? If the answer is yes, then you must believe Genesis 1:1 - 


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


God created. The universe did not begin by a random explosion of a tiny point, or by any other theory out there.


God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life (Gen. 2:7). We did not evolve from apes. 


But what about all of the scientific evidence? What about radiometric dating and the fossil record? What about the numerous studies of all the well-known scientists? The theories of evolution and the big bang have been adopted by most public schools, so that means it must be true...right?


There are many intelligent scientists in this world. They have done a lot of research and are able to tell you large numbers and complicated scientific terms that they have studied and memorized. Their arguments can sound very convincing. But does this mean they are right?


Instead of going into every detail and dispute scientific claims that leave out God, we want to bring to your attention two key points, and then give you a call to action.


1. Worldview. 

Before studying the evidence, what do you already believe? If someone is completely convinced that God does not exist, they will never even consider the possibility that God created the universe. They will never consider that the earth is really not that old. They will only look at answers that do not include God. But the same is true with Christians. Those who follow Jesus will not even consider the theories that do not include God.


However, there are exceptions to this. Atheists have decided to follow Christ, and Christians have decided to abandon their faith. Many times, for both of these situations, it is the result of talking with someone who has a different worldview. Someone has convinced them to change their mind. As parents and Christian leaders, we do not want our kids to fall into this category. There is evidence for God. And science does not disprove the Bible. In fact, it is just the opposite. As more and more scientific discoveries are made, more and more evidence is gathered showing there must be a Creator. With this in mind, in order to guide the next generation, it is very important that you understand point number two.


2. Assumptions.

If you carefully look at theories such as evolution and the big bang, you will find that these theories are not fact. They are theories (even if scientists try to argue that the word theory is used differently in science and it's basically like a fact). The theories of evolution and the big bang cannot be observed and are based on assumptions. No one (except God) was present in the beginning. People were not there to see how it all began. It cannot be observed and, therefore, scientists must make assumptions. 


For example, scientists observe today that rocks in the Grand Canyon are eroding away very slowly. They make the assumption that the rocks have always eroded at the same slow speed. They conclude that it must have taken millions of years for the canyon to be created at this speed and the earth is, therefore, very old. Their conclusion is based on an assumption. They do not know they have always eroded at the same speed. And they won't consider the possibility of a world-wide flood as described in the Bible.


The method for finding the age of dinosaur bones is also based on the assumption that the earth is very old. Many who believe in evolution are relying on the assumption that natural selection can make one creature turn into another kind, even though it can't be observed. If you look into these types of theories and processes, they are all based on assumptions that stem from their worldview. 


Get Prepared

​The reason many Christians have abandoned their faith after discussing topics such as science is because they were not prepared. They could not give a reason why they believe.  When someone cannot give an answer, frustration and questions come. Their lack of an explanation leads to doubt. (It doesn't mean there is not an answer. It means they don't know what it is.) This has led many to turn away from their faith.


Set out to prepare yourself to boldly follow Christ and know why you believe. And take time to prepare your kids. This doesn't mean you should completely ignore the questions of science and the Bible. You and your children should know why you believe and be able to explain your reasoning. God gave us minds with the ability to learn. If you are in question, you can look into these theories and see the assumptions for yourself.


"Be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you..." (1 Peter 3:15). Know why you believe.


"The heavens declare the glory of God" (Ps. 19:1). If any person looks around this world, they can clearly see the evidence for a Creator. Look at your own body. Study DNA. Look at the complexity and size of the universe. With all of the technology that we have today, why are there so many things that baffle scientists? Why are there so many things in this universe that we can't explain. How could all things, in their complexity, have been made from a random accident? For someone to deny a Creator is to purposefully ignore what is all around them.


"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse" (Romans 1:20 NKJV).


Be prepared and learn why you believe! Take a look around using the links at the top of this page to learn more.


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