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The Knowing God Podcast for Kids

Podcast Worksheets:

Most episodes have a free printable worksheet. To download a worksheet, click the PDF file next to each episode below. Or you can see all the worksheets for all episodes by clicking here.
If you see the play symbol above, this means the episode has pictures (in a downloadable PDF) to view as you listen to the episode.
A fun and easy-to-understand podcast with in-depth bible study, real-life application, and short episodes to keep kids' attention. (And did we mention fun too?) Also, a free printable worksheet is available for each episode! It's a great tool to disciple your loved ones, and adults will enjoy it too.
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Episode 1: Relationship with God (Part 1)
How to have a Relationship with God Through Prayer
Free Review Worksheet:
Episode 2: Relationship with God (Part 2)
Having a Relationship with God Through His Word
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Episode 3: Relationship with God (Part 3)
How Guarding Your Heart Affects Your Relationship with God
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Episode 4: Planting Seed in Your Heart
How to Plant God’s Word and Become Fruitful
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Episode 5: The Armor of God (Part 1 of 4)
An Introduction to God's Armor
Episode 6: The Armor of God (Part 2 of 4)
The Belt of Truth and the Breastplate of Righteousness
Free Review Worksheet:

"Hidden Treasure Quest is...well written, fun...[and] deeply grounded in God's Word...this life-changing book is perfect for the entire family!"

- Shannen Fields
Lead Actress in Facing the Giants

Kids shouldn't believe because their parents say so. They should believe because they personally know it's true.

Free Review Worksheet:
Episode 7: The Armor of God (Part 3 of 4)
The Shoes and the Helmet of Salvation
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Episode 8: The Armor of God (Part 4 of 4)
The Shield and the Sword
Episode 9: The Zoe Life
What Kind of Life Does God Want You to Have?
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Episode 10: Lost in the Mountains
A Look at Romans 8:28
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Episode 11: What If
How Your Questions Affect God's Provision
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Episode 12: Distractions
Where Should My Focus Be?
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Episode 13: He Knows Them All By Name
The Stars
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Episode 14: A Way That Seems Right
A Look at Romans One
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Episode 15: The Power of a Thankful Heart
How to Throw Out Your Anchor
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Episode 16: A Place to Call Home
Three Things We Learn from a Commander
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Episode 17: Pray Without Ceasing
A True and Effective Prayer Life
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Episode 18: Power in Your Prayers
How to Have a Powerful Prayer Life
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Episode 19: A Road Through the Desert
The Journey of a Foot Inspector
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Episode 20: The Little Choices
How Many Decisions Should You Pray About?
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* Music in the intro of the Knowing God Podcast for Kids comes from
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