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The doctor says I'm dying. I don't have much time. I guess at my age my time is just up.


If God is so good, then why is there so much sickness in this world? He could just take it all away if He wanted. He's God, He can do anything.


I don't think God heals everyone. I prayed for my mother. She was a good Christian woman, and she was not healed. She died way too young.


I am ok with my sickness. I believe God has caused me to go through this so I can be a stronger person. I know He will work this out for my good.

Everyone has their story to tell. It is so easy to take experiences we have had in our own lives and use them to interpret what the Bible says. But this is exactly what Satan wants you to do. He causes the bad and then encourages you to blame it on God. We should, instead, use the Bible to interpret our experiences.


Although many people can certainly relate to the comments from the people above, their statements do not agree with what the Bible teaches. So what does the Bible really say about healing?


This will not be a complete list, but let's look at some key points. (I recommend you look up all the scripture references below for yourself.)


1. God does not cause sickness. Not even to teach you a lesson. Satan comes to steal and kill and destroy. Jesus came to give life to the fullest (John 10:10). God does not make us sick just so He can heal us later. He works things out for our good, but He is not the cause of bad things. (Romans 8:28; Mark 3:24)


2. God has already healed every sickness anyone will ever have. By His stripes we WERE healed. (1 Peter 2:24) The work has already been done when Jesus died on the cross. He took our sins AND sickness away.


3. There is no partiality with God (Romans 2:11). God's promises are for all those who believe through faith in Jesus. His will is for every person to be healed.


4. We are given authority over Satan and Jesus said we would do even GREATER works than He (Mark 16:17-18, John 14:2). We have the same spirit inside us that raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 8:11).


5. We receive healing through faith...without any doubt. (Mark 5:34 plus many more)


6. To build up your faith, read places in Bible that talk about healing and places where people were healed. Read them repeatedly and study them. Meditate on them, and get them into your heart. Notice how every person that came to Jesus was healed. It is His will that ALL are healed.


7. Have so much faith that you can "see" or imagine that you are healed. Don't dwell on what will happen in the future with you still being sick or in pain. Only imagine what things will be like when you are healed. Picture yourself healed. You can't say you have the faith to be healed but keep thinking about you being sick. God's Word must be more real to you than anything man says. Take His promises and stand on them. Preach these things to yourself and get them in your heart. Meditate on them until His truths become automatic for you.


8. In addition to controlling your thoughts, also be careful the words you speak. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. There is power in words! Don't speak words of unbelief. Only speak words that agree with your healing. Don't continue to say you are sick or say you will never be made well. Don't see your identity in your sickness. Speak positively and speak God's Word. "I know God has healed me." "By His stripes I am healed." "Thank you, Lord, for healing me." (Proverbs 18:21, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5). You speak what is in your heart (Matthew 12:34). When you get God's Word inside you, this will become natural for you to think and speak this way.


9. We are called to speak to our mountain. For example, if you have pain in your leg, you speak directly to that pain and rebuke it (Mark 11:23). If you have cancer, you speak directly to those cancer cells and rebuke them in Jesus' name. In faith without doubt, you literally speak aloud and say something like: "Pain in my leg, I rebuke you in Jesus name! By Jesus' stripes I am healed. Cancer cells, I rebuke you in Jesus' name!" (And so on.) Rebuke every sickness or problem you have, by faith, in Jesus name (After you have placed His Word in your heart. Faith comes from His Word.) There is power in the name of Jesus, and we are told we have the authority to use His name (John 16:13-14; 16:23-24).






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