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Some of Jesus's last words before He went to Heaven were, "Go and make disciples of all nations"  (Matthew 28:19). Sharing your faith in Jesus Christ is not always an easy thing to do, but it is something that we are commanded to do. When God asked Moses to lead the Israelites, Moses asked for someone else to do it because He didn't think He could speak well (Exodus 3:11, 4:1,10). But God uses the weak things of the world and makes them strong (1 Corinthians 1:27). We should not rely on ourselves but on Him. He equips us with what we need. The Spirit of God opens a person's heart to the truth. Your job is to simply tell the truth.


How Can I Share My Faith in Jesus?

Here are some examples:


​Show others Jesus by the way you live. Follow Jesus' example in how you live and the choices that you make. Show others kindness, don't judge others by the way they look or dress, help others in need, and be careful what you watch, listen to, and what you say. Be different in a good way. Let others see Jesus' love through your actions.


Speak to others about Jesus. Sometimes a great way to start is to tell others how Jesus has changed your life. Tell them your story. Below are some other ideas to help:

  • God made the world to be perfect. He also made us with the ability to make our own choices. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and sin entered the world. Sin is the reason for things like evil, sickness, and fear.

  • God made people so we can have a relationship with Him. But sin separates us from God. Sin keeps us from having a relationship with God and keeps us from spending forever with Him in Heaven. All people have sinned.

  • When Adam and Eve sinned, He still loved them and He didn't give up on them. However, he couldn't ignore what they did because He can only act fairly. The punishment for sin is death (or hell). God did not want this for anyone. So God had a plan.

  • God loved us so much that He sent His One and only Son to die in our place. Those who choose to believe in Jesus can receive a free gift of salvation. if you choose to believe, your sin is forgiven and you become a child of God. Your sin is no longer in the way.

  • The Bible says, "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9


If they choose to believe in Jesus you can help them say a prayer. You can even have them repeat after you if they want to. You can pray something similar to:


Jesus, I know that I have sinned and I need you to lead my life. I declare that You are my Lord and Savior. I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead. I ask You to forgive me for my sins, and by faith I receive my salvation now. Thank You for saving me.


The exact moment someone makes Jesus the Lord of their life, they are now "born again" and receive a perfect spirit. They are no longer separated from God, can enjoy a relationship with Him, and spend eternity with Him in Heaven.

Teaching this Message to Kids

Look at Acts 3-4.

Peter was in a situation that was far more scary than many of us will ever be in. He was facing jail time or worse if he continued to tell others about Christ. When he was brought before his enemies and questioned, he took the opportunity to tell his own enemies about Jesus (and do the very thing he was "in trouble" for). They were amazed at his boldness (Acts 4:13). This boldness was so important to Peter that, when he was released, he went straight to his friends and prayed for all to have boldness. (Read more about boldness here.) We, too, can pray for boldness, through the Holy Spirit, to share Jesus with others. 


Here is a coloring page that you can use with this message.


You can also refer to Acts 2.

Acts 2:13 says people were making fun of the followers of Jesus (which may be something kids can relate to). Peter took the opportunity to tell the crowd about the Good New of Christ. He did this by defending his faith and:


  1. Providing evidence. Verses 17-21. Prophecy is evidence for Jesus and the accuracy of the Bible. (Today, things like archaeology, science, prophecy, secular accounts of history, and the number and accuracy of manuscripts are examples of evidence.)

  2. Reminding the people of things they had seen with their own eyes. Verse 22. The crowd had witnessed the signs and miracles of Jesus and was something they could relate to. (Today, we are all witnesses to the complexity of creation...something all people today can relate to.)

  3.  His own testimony. Verse 32. Peter and the other followers had all witnessed the resurrected Jesus. This was part of Peter's personal testimony. What has God done in your life that you can share with others?

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