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Show and Tell

Hide and Seek Ministries

Do you have the newest iPhone? Have you watched the latest movie? Do you have those new kind of boots that you see everyone wearing? Are you really disappointed that you missed this week's episode of your favorite TV series? How much time do you spend on social media each week?  


If someone looked at your life, can they tell a difference between you and unbelievers?


The statements above are not implying that you cannot do things that are enjoyable. It does not mean you must trap yourself inside your house, never have hobbies or enjoy things in this life. But God says we are to walk as children of light (Ephesians 5:8). We are called to be different. This doesn't just mean we are to be kind to others and try to be an overall "good" person. Following Jesus is a way of life.


Are you claiming that you are following Jesus, but instead you are really following this world?


With the internet and easy access to the influences of this world, this is a truth that MUST be taught to our children. And they cannot just be taught in words only. This is a truth that you must show your children. Lead them by example. If seeking after things in this world is a big part in your life, it doesn't matter what you tell them. You are showing them something entirely different. 


Imagine this: What if you and your family only spent 3 hours each week participating in secular media...television, movies, radio, magazines, books, newspapers, internet....3 hours total each week.


This would be easy for some and seemingly impossible for others. But the fact is this concept is life-changing. You can spend an unnamed amount of time watching Christian movies, reading the Bible or other Christian-related material, listening to Christian music, etc. But only three hours total of anything secular. 


"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it" (Proverbs 4:23 NIV).


Above all else. 


Everything you do flow from it.


Things enter your heart through your eyes and your ears. What enters your heart affects the course of your life. Don't open a door for Satan to steal God's Word from you. Show your kids what it means to truly seek the Lord with all your heart and experience the life-changing promises of God. 


Walk as children of light, and show and tell your children how to do the same.

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