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"Look at the strength it has in its hips! What power it has in the muscles of its stomach! Its tail sways back and forth like a cedar tree..."  (Job 40:15-17 NIrV)

Then God said, "Let the earth be filled with animals, each producing more of its kind.
Genesis 1:24 (NCV)
Dinosaurs in the Bible

Dinosaurs are amazing! They can also cause confusion when trying to take what scientists say about them and match it with the Bible. Take a minute to explore evolution, the big bang, and the age of the earth on this website. After reading these pages, one of the main points you will find is these topics are not observable


Science is the process of being able to observe things in this world to try to figure out how they work. Then those ideas are tested to see if they could be true. No one was present when the universe began. Therefore, it is not observable. Scientists must make best guesses or assumptions of what they think they might find if they had been there by looking at what can be observed today.


Some scientists say that dinosaurs died over 60 million years ago. They also say they lived before humans lived. But does this agree with the Bible?


When scientists find the age of dinosaur bones, they usually use a process called radiometric dating. To find the age, scientists look at specific elements inside igneous rocks that are found near the fossils. They complete an equation that gives them an estimated age. However, to be able to complete the equation correctly, scientists need to know how much of a specific element was in the rock when it was first formed (to be able to find the half-life). Since there is no way to know this information, they must make an assumption or best guess. This assumption is based on the scientist already believing that the earth is millions of years old. However, just like with the big bang and evolution, many scientists will try to make it seem like their assumptions are actually fact. Sadly, this information has been adopted by school systems, kids cartoons, books, and other forms of media. As a result, kids can become confused easily when studying science and the Bible.


Why aren't dinosaurs in the Bible?


The word dinosaur was not invented until the 1840's. Therefore, you will not find the word dinosaur in the Bible. However, many people believe that creatures described in Job 40 and 41 were dinosaurs living during the time of Job. For example, look at Job 40:15-18 (NCV):


Look at Behemoth,
which I made just as I made you.
It eats grass like an ox.
Look at the strength it has in its body;
the muscles of its stomach are powerful.
Its tail is like a cedar tree;
the muscles of its thighs are woven together.
Its bones are like tubes of bronze;
its legs are like bars of iron.


The notes in some study Bibles say this creature might have been a hippopotamus or an elephant. But look at the picture below. Which one looks like it has a tail like a tree?



When did dinosaurs live?


Since the Bible says the age of the earth is only about 6,000 years old, dinosaurs lived within that time frame. God made all land-dwelling creatures (including humans) on day six of creation. Therefore, this means dinosaurs did  live the same time as humans.


To read more about dinosaurs and other topics that compare science and the Bible, check out the Hidden Treasure Quest series.

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