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“The more I study science, the more I believe in God.”


–Albert Einstein


There are many people who do not like the above quote from Albert Einstein. They want to clarify that Einstein did not believe in a personal God, and this is true. Conversations and writings from Einstein show that He did not believe in Jesus and wrestled with who God was. However, his statement above is true. The study of science shows that there must be an intelligent Creator who made it all. The complexity of creation, the size of the universe, and the many discoveries clearly show it could not have happened by chance.


What is Science?


Science is observing the world and figuring out how it works. And through the hundreds of years that people have been studying modern science, we still do not have it all figured out. God's creation is amazing!


Why do earthquakes happen? How does the human brain work? How many stars are there? What is the universe made of? Why do humans have DNA? Why do animals migrate? How can an octopus grow back its arm? Science attempts to answer questions like these and many more. The study of science has led to many discoveries such as electricity, medicine, telephones, and the telescope. Science involves asking questions, developing ideas, observing, gathering information, and testing. 


Here are a few things to remember about science.


1. Science is always changing. People used to think the earth was flat and it was the center of the universe. But with new discoveries, we now know this is not true. As more information is discovered, science changes. 


2. Science is based on observation, but not everything can be observed. For example, no one was able to observe things in the past (such as the creation of the universe), so people must make assumptions on what they think might have happened based on what they can observe today. Assumptions cannot prove anything to be true. It is simply a best guess based on repeated testing.


3. Science does not prove the Bible to be false. There are many things in science that disagree with the Bible such as the big bang, evolution and the age of the earth. But remember, these theories are based on assumptions. And these assumptions are based on scientists' opinions who refuse to believe in God.


4. The Bible agrees with science. The Bible is not a science textbook. However, what the Bible does say about science matches what has been observed in the study of science. For example, scientists do not know how many stars there are. There are too many to count. The Bible says, "They will be as many as the stars in the sky that no one can count. They will be as many as the grains of sand on the seashore that no one can measure.” (Jeremiah 33:22 NCV)


5. Science is a good thing! Just because atheists have used science to try to disprove the Bible does not mean science is bad. God wants us to learn about Him. And one way to do that is looking at what He has made. Read about Christian scientists here.

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