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How did people get here? 


Were humans created by God on day six of creation? Did we evolve from apes? Or is it a combination of  both? Theistic evolution believes that God initially created all things but then used evolution to complete His work. They think that since the Bible is a spiritual book, the accounts in Genesis (and other science aspects in the Bible) are symbolic or figurative. They don't believe it is a true account of history.


Think about what Satan does. For example, look at the conversation he had with Eve in the garden. "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree in the garden'?" (Gen. 3:1 NKJV) God said not to eat from one tree, not all trees. Satan takes a little truth and twists it into a lie. Beliefs that take a little truth in the Bible and try to make it fit what the world says is doing the same thing. The Bible does not exaggerate, and it does not lie.


Although there are varying beliefs in evolution, the theory states that one creature slowly evolves (or turns into) another creature. Most evolutionists believe humans evolved from apes. This idea became popular in the 1800's after Charles Darwin wrote a book called On the Origin of Species. He replaced biblical creation with a suggestion that we are here as a result of small changes that happened over millions of years. Evolutionists believe we are not from God but from nature. 


Some people really want the theory of evolution to be true because they want to completely dismiss that there is a God. However, God says, "Since the creation of the world" God can clearly be seen through what He had made and every person "is without excuse" (Rom. 1:20). The Bible also says that these people "suppress the truth" (Rom. 1:18). God has made Himself known to each person. He has manifest Himself inside all of us (Rom. 1:19). But since all are given the ability to make their own choices, some choose to:


1. Not glorify God as God.

2. Not be thankful (Rom. 1:21).


After they complete these two steps (over a course of time), they "become futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools" (Rom. 1:21-22 NKJV). After they reach this point, the Bible says God lets them have their way. When they "exchange the truth of God for a lie, and worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator", God gives them up to their own desires (Rom. 1:24-25). 


"They did not like to retain God in their knowledge" (Rom. 1:28). God gives everyone a fair chance. At some point in everyone's life, they know God. They know He exists. But some choose to purposefully say I refuse to believe. I choose to ignore what God has put inside me. Then they don't glorify Him as the our Savior. They choose not to be thankful for what He has done. They become prideful and look at the created instead of the Creator. And eventually God gives them over to their choices.


Truth is not different for each person. You can't say this is the truth for them because it is what they choose to believe, but this is the truth for me. The very next chapter in Romans starts out by saying, "Therefore you are inexcusable, O man...But we know the judgment of God is according to truth..." (Rom. 2:1-2). Regardless of man's opinion, there is an absolute truth which is found in the Word of God.


So, how did we get here?


Genesis makes it very clear. We did not evolve. "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being" (Gen. 2:7).


There is really not a need to debate every tiny detail of evolution. Everything points to the fact that evolution is based on assumptions. Here are a few more key points:


1. Evolution cannot be observed. Most evolutionists claim that evolution occurs by natural selection. However, natural selection can change the shape of a bird's beak to help them get food,  but it cannot change one creature into a different creature. This has never been observed in any creature.


2. Evolutionists also say the fossil record provides evidence for evolution. However, the fossil record does not show the order in which creatures evolved (going from very simple organisms to most complex). Instead, it shows the order in which they were buried


The geological column is a scale that scientists have made and is divided into different periods of time. When a fossil is found, they can supposedly look at the scale and tell about how old the fossil should be. The problem with the scale is that it has never been observed in real life. In fact, instead of fossils being found in the "proper" order that matches the scale, in some places they have been found fossils in the exact opposite order. The geological column is based on assumptions and cannot be proven. However, many scientists still use the fossil record and the geological column as primary evidence for evolution.


3. Radiometric dating is also based on assumptions. When scientists try to determine the age of a dinosaur bone, for example, they try to find the age of the rock nearby the fossil. During this process, scientists must complete an equation. One part of the equation (the half-life) is based on assumptions because they would have to know how much of an element was inside the rock when the fossil was first formed. There is no way to know this, so a "reasonable guess" must be made. These guesses are based on the foundation that the earth is millions of years old. 


The Final Point

Despite what many may say, evolution has never been proven. And since evolution is not observable, it never will be proven. Assumptions will always need to be made. Believing in evolution takes faith in man's best guess.

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