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Worldviews Grabbing Attention

If you are a Christian does this mean you automatically have a biblical worldview?

Not according to a recent study conducted by Barna Group and Summit Ministries. Their research concludes that only 17% of practicing Christians maintain a biblical worldview. Christian opinion differs on how the world is and how the world should be. So what do they believe?

Barna says 61% of practicing Christians have ideas that are rooted in New Spirituality. For instance, this group holds beliefs such as all religions pray to the same god, and if you do good you will receive good.

Young adults and those dwelling in the city are more likely to hold a view that agrees with materialism. This includes believing that the meaning of life comes from hard work and earning as much as possible.

Nearly one quarter of practicing Christians believe that right and wrong is determined by each individual. Our society continues to shift away from Christianity and our children are exposed to all its elements. How can bible-believing Christians be so persuaded by our unbiblical culture?

Many people are seeking answers in the wrong places and being influenced by the wrong crowds. This is telling in that Millennials and Gen-Xers are up to eight more times likely than other age groups to be receptive to differing worldviews.

God says, "My people are being destroyed because they don't know me." (Hos. 4:6 NLT)

Our culture has no problem bombarding us with their "knowledge", but what we really need is the true knowledge of God that comes from His written Word. A personal relationship with our Creator is essential. We must be able to recognize His voice so we can also recognize Satan's. Many of these unbiblical views take a little truth and twist into a lie: Satan's historical deception. We must teach our children to recognize any voice that is contrary to the Word of God.

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