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Bonded Like Glue

What is the difference between the words "bind/bound" and "bond/bonded"? The tie binds but the glue bonds.

Ties bind two things together but can be broken or separated. A bond unifies something, making it one and inseparable. While no one is completely sure where the expression "tie the knot" originated, we don't want to just bind ourselves with a spouse. Instead, we should be BONDED through the peace and love of Christ. How? Put the Lord at your center. Make Him the focus in your marriage and your lives. We are promised perfect peace when we keep our mind on the Lord. And if two people in a relationship are experiencing this peace, nothing can separate them. No matter if you are married, looking to get married, enjoying friendships, or desire a good relationship with your children, true happiness must FIRST be found in the Lord before you see it manifest in your relationships. Let's all work on "supergluing" our relationships together by placing the Lord in the number-one spot in our lives!

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