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Power in a Pause

Our enemy loves it when you're distracted. Distractions are a perfect avenue for Satan to pull your attention away from God. Satan understands that Christians find power in a "pause". If Satan keeps you distracted, you have no power. God has given us so many promises in His Word. But as the parable of the sower explains, you first must take the time to plant those promises in your heart and KEEP them there. If you become distracted with cares in this world, God's Word will be stolen from you and will produce zero fruit. Satan wins, and you will not see God's promises manifest in your life. If something bad happens, do you start speaking words of unbelief? Do you worry, panic, or get stressed easily? How much time do you spend complaining? How many things make you have fear? Cares in this world are distractions and are avenues for Satan to steal God's Word. So how do you "pause"? Purposefully keep God's Word in your heart so it will produce fruit.

Don't become distracted with cares in this world. Take time to focus on the Lord. Continually remind yourself of His promises and what He's done for you. Pray and meditate on His Word (for more than a five-minute daily devotion). The faith you will have from doing this will keep God's Word in your heart, and you will see God's promises become a reality in your life. Push PAUSE and spend time with the Lord so He can work through you to fulfill His promises and plans in your life.

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