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Cross the River

Are you waiting on God, or is He waiting on you?

Two million Israelites were rescued from slavery by the miraculous hand of God. He led them to the Promised Land where they found walled cities with giants and enemies in every direction. With their lack of faith, they failed to listen to God and found themselves wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. But in His grace, God gives them another chance.

Now being led by Joshua, the Israelites tear town down their tents, pack their belongings, and head toward the Jordan River where they will set up camp again for another three days. The river was at flood stage from the springtime rains and crossing seemed like an impossible task. Yet on the third day, Joshua gave the Lord's command that the time had come to go to the other side.

The Israelites were told they would see God do wonders that day. The Lord had promised them success and to help them do the impossible. He had even went before them and prepared the way, protecting their spies and putting fear into the hearts of their enemies. God had made a way for approximately two million Jews to cross a flooded river on dry ground, but they had to take the first step. God could have parted the river at any time. However, it wasn't until the priests stepped foot into the river that the waters stood up in a heap.

God may ask you to do something that, in the flesh, seems impossible or doesn't make logical sense. But He has prepared the way and is asking for you to act in faith. His word is full of promises that are written for YOU. Are you waiting on God, or is He waiting on you to take that first step?

"Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9 NKJV)

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