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Bad Science?

"Creation science should not be taught, because our students deserve better than to be taught bad science."

This is a quote from the National Center for Education Science, an organization that works to ensure that topics such as evolution are taught in schools "accurately, honestly, and confidently". Evolution has historically been debated as to whether it can be considered accurate and honest.

So how many high school students were taught evolution this past school year? The answer is most.

However, some state school districts are choosing a different approach, and Alabama is one of them. Since 1995, Alabama's State Board of Education has placed a sticker inside high school biology textbooks. Although the insert does not mention "creation science" (and is probably why the sticker is still allowed), it does encourage students to "wrestle with the unanswered questions and unresolved problems still faced by evolutionary theory".

Alabama makes a good point. We should all wrestle with unanswered questions. But where do we turn for answers? In today's culture, who can we really trust? If you're a Christian, you know what the answer is.

We must acknowledge that, children and adults alike, are in a constant battle. A spiritual war. Satan hates God, he hates you, and he hates your children. Evolution is one avenue Satan has succeeded in changing the way of thinking of a countless number of people.

It is one thing to say we believe in Jesus, call ourselves Christians, and then go about our daily lives like the rest of the world. But it's quite another to choose to be different and live your life following Jesus. C.S. Lewis states:

"Consequently one must train the habit of Faith... if you have once accepted Christianity, then some of its main doctrines shall be deliberately held before your mind for some time every day... We have to be continually reminded of what we believe. Neither this belief nor any other will automatically remain alive in the mind. It must be fed."

Many school systems are feeding our children's mind with evolution. But it's our job as parents to teach them the truth and show them, by example, that it's a good thing to be different.

Eugenie C. Scott, “Cans and Can'ts of Teaching Evolution,” National Center for Education Science, published May 2000,

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (New York: HarperCollins, 2001), 141.

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