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Know If You're on the Right Track by Answering 5 Questions

We do not have to wait for heaven to know God. As followers of Jesus, we can develop a relationship with Him now. And, in fact, this is the reason God created us. But how do you know if you're on the right track? Start by asking yourself these five questions.

1. Where is your starting point?

When you have a decision to make do you ask other people for advice first? If a doctor says you have a certain sickness do you go straight to the internet to learn more about it? When something really great happens who do you celebrate with first? Do you naturally turn to God?

2. How is your walk?

Do you find yourself always doing or getting what is popular? Are you always concerned with what others think? Can a person look at your actions and notice a difference between you and unbelievers? As followers of Jesus, we are called to be different.

3. Do you have peace?

Isaiah 26:3 says, "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." (ESV) Your mind is not where it should be if you often find yourself worried, afraid, anxious, stressed, or uneasy.

4. How often do you complain?

The stronger the relationship with God, the more natural it becomes to always be thankful and to see how little your problems are compared to our almighty Creator.

5. Do you glorify God?

The Bible says, "We can be sure that we know God if we obey his commands (1 John 2:3). Are you doing what the Bible says, or do you(unintentionally) think your way is better?

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